Blacknose Ibiza

Blacknose is a brand of Sa Roca des Falcó SL – Ibiza.


Following the establishment of tourism in the early seventies on the Island of Ibiza, agricultural activities were mostly abandoned, and little by little the terraces were overgrown by pine trees. After a huge fire in May 2011, almost all pine trees and junipers situated on our property were burnt. We discovered many ancient dry-stone walls and decided to clean all terraces from the debris of the fire.

This was an opportunity for us, two brothers Peter & Tino Lehner, to reflect on the future use of our land, and we decided to reinvigorate agriculture and plant a vineyard together with an olive grove. Currently we take care of approximately 7’000 vines and 100 olive trees within the guidelines of organic agriculture. In 2021, we began converting towards biodynamic agriculture. 










7’000 VINES

7000 vines Blacknose



Blacknose is a brand of Sa Roca des Falcó SL – Ibiza. On our property, situated in the mountains of Sant Joan de Labritja, in the North of the Island we grow organic grapes and olives. Surrounded by ancient purpose-built terraces underpinned by “Muros Secos”, dry stone walls, we are the highest elevated (320m above sea level) vineyard in production on ibiza.

Our first plantation was initiated in 2014, the second of Cabernet Sauvignon in 2016, and in 2020, we added our first variety of white grapes, Giro Ros, to our vineyard.

About the brand name: Blacknose are an extraordinary breed of half-wild sheep (Schwarznasenschafe) originating from the secluded valleys upstream the Rhone River in Valais, Switzerland, where our family has its roots.










Blacknose is a brand of Sa Roca des Falcó SL – Ibiza. On our property, situated in the mountains of Sant Joan de Labritja, in the North of the Island we grow organic grapes and olives. Surrounded by ancient purpose-built terraces underpinned by “Muros Secos”, dry stone walls, we are the highest elevated (320m above sea level) vineyard in production on ibiza.

Our first plantation was initiated in 2014, the second of Cabernet Sauvignon in 2016, and in 2020, we added our first variety of white grapes, Giro Ros, to our vineyard.

About the brand name: Blacknose are an extraordinary breed of half-wild sheep (Schwarznasenschafe) originating from the secluded valleys upstream the Rhone River in Valais, Switzerland, where our family has its roots.